Compare Breville 800JEXL vs BJE200XL

These two juicers are very similar in many respects. How do I know? Because I own them both :) They are made by the same company so it is to be expected that many of their design features will be related. For example, they both have Breville’s signature wide feeder chute. On both the 800JEXL and the BJE200XL the hole is 3 inches wide. So with both machines it is easy to feed in whole bits of fruit and vegetables. This saves time because we do not have to chop up our ingredients very much at all.

They both come with a 1.1 liter collection jug which is just the right size to catch your juice as it comes flowing out of the machines. The jugs have a froth separator which stops any foam on the top of the juice from going into your glass. These Best Citrus Juicers Reviews also have a cleaning brush included. This is handy because it helps get rid of the fruity pulp that often gets caught in the blades and filter basket section.

Also, both machines have dishwasher safe parts. Of course, the electrical base section cannot go into a dishwasher, but all the other parts are fine. They can be placed on the top shelf so you can take care of cleaning them that way. Personally, I always wash my juicers by hand as soon as I have made my juice. This is the easiest time to get them clean. It gets much harder to clean the filter basket if the fruit and vegetable pulp has a chance to dry on.

Another similarity is that both machines are centrifugal juicers. They are able to make fresh fruit and vegetable drinks in literally seconds and they are both easy to clean up after use. So with all these similarities maybe you should buy a Breville BJE200XL. After all, this juicer is about 1/3 of the price of the top of the range Breville 800JEXL machine. That said, there are obviously some differences.

When you look at the two juicing appliances above, it is easy to tell which one is the more expensive. The look of the BJE200XL is nice but the 800JEXL is amazing! Its body is made from die cast stainless steel. You can purchase these juicers on Amazon so it is a good idea to compare the prices there to check the latest deals.

The more expensive 800JEXL device is a twin speed machine. There is a high and low setting. This means that the central cylinder with the cutting blades can spin at either 13,000 RPM or 6,500 RPM depending upon the type of produce you are putting into it. The BJE200XL on the other hand only has one speed setting, 13,000 RPM.

I am actually a big fan of the Breville BJE200XL. To me, it represents great value for money. Admittedly, I do think that the 800JEXL looks much nicer. And as a present, it would make a much nicer gift. However they are two machines that, while looking different, do pretty much the exact same thing. They make juice.

Both the Breville 800JEXL and Breville BJE200XL are great juicers. I like using my 800JEXL but I would not recommend buying it on juicing grounds. However if you have the money and want the most stylish Breville juicer available today then it is the one to choose.

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